*5 When you are going to record continuously for a long time, you may have to replace the batteries
with new ones in the midst of recording. For details on the battery life, see the next table.
*6 The maximum recording time varies if you record tracks in mixed recording mode.
Battery life*1
When using Sony LR6 (SG) (size AA) alkaline batteries
Recording modes
Recording with
through speaker
Playback using
the headphones
LPCM 96.00kHz/24bit 28 hr. 19 hr. 19 hr. 22 hr.
LPCM 96.00kHz/16bit 28 hr. 19 hr. 19 hr. 24 hr.
LPCM 48.00kHz/24bit 39 hr. 23 hr. 23 hr. 27 hr.
LPCM 48.00kHz/16bit 39 hr. 24 hr. 24 hr. 27 hr.
LPCM 44.10kHz/24bit 41 hr. 24 hr. 24 hr. 28 hr.
LPCM 44.10kHz/16bit 46 hr. 24 hr. 24 hr. 30 hr.
LPCM 22.05kHz/16bit 45 hr. 24 hr. 24 hr. 30 hr.
MP3 44.10kHz/320kbps 40 hr. 26 hr. 24 hr. 28 hr.
MP3 44.10kHz/128kbps 40 hr. 26 hr. 24 hr. 28 hr.
MP3 44.10kHz/64kbps 43 hr. 26 hr. 24 hr. 28 hr.
(hr. : hours/min. : minutes)