
If you select Cable Modem/xDSL or ISDN Router/LAN, set up the device for an Internet connection.


The indicators on the Access Point flashes while changes to the settings are processed.

The link test is disabled until the POWER indicator of the Access Point turns green.

It takes approximately 30 seconds before the POWER indicator turns green.


If you select ISDN Router/LAN, make sure to restart the computer upon completion of the link test.

Cable Modem/xDSL, ISDN Router/LAN, and Local Only:

The confirmation dialog appears.

1 Make sure you have made correct settings and click NEXT.

Changes to the Access Point settings are reflected and the Finish screen appears.

2 Click LINK TEST.

The link test between the Access Point and the computer is performed.

When the confirmation dialog box appears, click FINISH to exit.

This completes the software setup. The wireless LAN environment is complete.

Now, you can copy a file from another computer on the wireless LAN (page 53) or connect to the Internet (page 54).