Connection with your computer

Connection abruptly drops.

Connect the AC power adapter to the cradle.

Check the cradle or USB cable and your computer for appropriate connection.

Make sure the CLIÉ handheld is correctly seated in the cradle or attached with the USB cable.

I cannot transfer as many music pieces as expected. (Available

recording time is not long enough.)

The Memory Stick media may have other files occupying its free space. Delete these files or copy them to a location on your computer to free up some space for MP3.

I see the drive but not its contents on my computer after I

connect my CLIÉ handheld to my computer.

Insert the Memory Stick media into your CLIÉ handheld first, and then connect it to your computer.

I don’t see the removable media on my computer during

Transfer mode.

Exit the Transfer mode after making sure that the power of your CLIÉ handheld is ON, and then retry music transferring.

The operation of my CLIÉ handheld is unstable while it is

connected to my computer.

If the cradle or the connection USB cable is connected to your computer via a USB hub or USB extension cable, the operation is not guaranteed. Connect the cradle or the connection USB cable directly to your computer.

A warning window for device removal appears on the desktop.

Click [OK] and proceed.

Do not tap “Stop” or remove your CLIÉ handheld from the cradle during Transfer mode.

Be sure to stop the connection via the “Unplug or eject Hardware” menu in the Windows System tray.