1. Safety Guidelines


Maintaining Your Phone’s Peak Performance

To maximise performance,do not touch the bottom portion
of your phone,where the internal antenna is located, while
using the phone.
Avoid exposing your phone and accessories to rain or liquid
spills.If your phone does get wet, immediately turn the
power off and remove the battery.
Do not expose your phone to direct sunlight for extended
periods of time (such as on the dashboard of a car).

Using Your Phone While Driving

Talking on your phone while driving (or operating the phone
without a hands-free device)is prohibited in some jurisdictions.
Laws vary as to specific restrictions.
Let the person you are speaking to know you are driving;if
necessary,suspend the call in heavy traffic or hazardous
weather conditions.
Do not take notes or look up phone numbers while driving.

Following Safety Guidelines

To operate your phone safely and efficiently,always follow any
special regulations in a given area.Turn your phone off in areas
where use is forbidden or when it may cause interference or

Using Your Phone Near Other Electronic Devices

Most modern electronic equipment is shielded from
radiofrequency (RF)signals. However,RF signals from mobile
phones may affect inadequately shielded electronic equipment.
RF signals may affect improperly installed or inadequately
shielded electronic operating systems and/or entertainment
systems in motor vehicles.Check with the manufacturer or their
representative to determine if these systems are adequately
shielded from external RF signals.Also check with the
2 1.Safety Guidelines