filename[H:\Sagyocyu\0715 PS2\835175S SCPH-75008\2650066511_SCPH-75008_RU\01_GB\]
model name1[SCPH-75008]
Using the playback modes
4Select the chapter number, and then press the button.
To play all the chapters, select "All". Repeat steps 2 to 4 to set other
titles or chapters.
5Press the START button.
Program Play begins.
The setting will not be cleared after Program Play finishes.
You can set this option for random playback of all titles or chapters
recorded on a disc. Playback order will be different each time Shuffle Play
is used.
1Select in the Control Panel ( page 22), and then
press the button.
The display changes as shown below each time you press the
2Select N, and then press the button.
You can set this option to play titles or chapters repeatedly.
1Select in the Control Panel ( page22), and then
press the button.
The display changes as shown below each time you press the
2Select N, and then press the button.
You can set a specific scene to be played repeatedly.
1During playback, select in the Control Panel
( page 22) and then press the button at the point you
want to start repeated playback.
The starting point (point A) is set.
2Press the button at the point you want to end repeated
The ending point (point B) is set, and repeated playback of the section
from A to B begins.

Shuffle Play

Title Shuffle Plays titles in random order
Chapter Shuffle Plays chapters in random order
Shuffle Off Clears Shuffle Play

Repeat Play

Disc Repeat Repeats playback of all titles
Title Repeat Repeats playback of one title
Chapter Repeat Repeats playback of one chapter
Repeat Off Clears Repeat Play

A-B Repeat Page 27 Friday, July 15, 2005 5:39 PM