HANDYCAM Smooth Slow Record
Smooth Slow Record allows you to record fast action scenes and play them back smoothly in slow motion. It can be used to analyze a golf swing or tennis stroke. Three seconds of footage is recorded at a Higher (100fps) frame rate and then played back over 12 seconds at normal speed (25fps). The net result is that the motion is slowed down to quarter speed without any of the jerkiness that would usually occur. You can even decide to record the 3 seconds of footage after it has occurred so that you never miss that ‘one off’ event.
HANDYCAM Dual Record
This Function allows simultaneous recording of still pictures while recording video. This means that if you are shooting video footage you can take a high resolution still image at the same time without interrupting your video recording. Dual Recording is made possible due to the inherent characteristics of CMOS sensors coupled with a newly developed advanced imaging processor which can handle the higher data rates involved.
Still image capture
Video record button
While recording video a high res still image can be recorded
HANDYCAM HDD Smart Protection System
All Sony HDD Handycams have a unique HDD protection system to protect the Hard Drive and prevent data loss. A
Shock Absorber
Camera shows floating mechanical shock absorber
Transferring video footage from your HDD Handycam onto DVD Discs has never been easier. Simply Connect the HDD Handycam to your computer* with the supplied USB2.0 cable and then simply push the DVD Burn button. The camera and software does the rest. Footage is downloaded from the HDD Handycam to your computer at extremely fast speeds (up to 15x Real Time) and the software then creates a DVD from that footage. If there is more footage that can fit on one disc, then as many discs as needed are created.
Complimentary to this is the Easy PC Backup feature which intelligently downloads and stores on your computers HDD only video footage that you have not already downloaded. For example, if you have already downloaded 5 hours of footage from last week (and not deleted it off your HDD Handycam) and then you record an extra 1 hour of footage today, then the easy PC backup feature wont
1 hour of recording you have done.
*Computer must be equipped
with a DVD Burner