Sony STR-DA4ES 46GB, Setup items for the EQ menu, To apply the stored equalizer

Models: STR-DA4ES

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Adjusting the equalizer (continued)

Setup items for the EQ menu

xFRONT BASS XXX.X dB (Front speaker bass level)

xFRONT MID XXX.X dB (Front speaker midrange level)

xFRONT TREBLE XXX.X dB (Front speaker treble level)

xCENTER BASS XXX.X dB (Center speaker bass level)

xCENTER MID XXX.X dB (Center speaker midrange level)

xCENTER TREBLE XXX.X dB (Center speaker treble level)

xSURROUND BASS XXX.X dB (Surround speaker bass level)

xSURROUND TRE. XXX.X dB (Surround speaker treble level)

xSUR.BACK BASS XXX.X dB (Surround back speaker bass level)

xSUR.BACK TRE. XXX.X dB (Surround back speaker treble level)

Initial setting: 0 dB

You can adjust from –10 dB to +10 dB in 0.5 dB steps.

To apply the stored equalizer

Press EQ BANK repeatedly to select EQ [1]–[5].

Select “EQ [OFF]” to turn off equalization.

Clearing Stored Equalizer Settings

1Press EQ BANK repeatedly to select the equalizer (EQ [1]–[5]) you want to clear.

2Press EQ.

3Press the cursor buttons ( or ) to select “PRESET CLEAR”.

4Turn the jog dial to select “YES”, then press ENTER.

“Are you sure?” appears in the display.

5Turn the jog dial to select “YES”, then press ENTER.

The adjusted contents of the selected equalizer bank are cleared.

For advanced EQ menu adjustments

Use the CUSTOMIZE menu and set “MENU EXPAND” to “ON” to enable advanced adjustments.

For details on “MENU EXPAND”, see page 47.

For details on how to set the items, see page 55.


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Sony STR-DA4ES 46GB, Setup items for the EQ menu, To apply the stored equalizer, Clearing Stored Equalizer Settings