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Using your VAIO computer

8Select WEP from the Data Encryption drop-down box.

9Deselect the The key is provided for me automatically option button. Some information becomes visible.

10Fill in the Network key*.

The network key should be 5 or 13 alphanumeric characters or 10 or 26 hexadecimal** characters long. You can choose whatever you want.

11Fill in exactly the same Network key again, for confirmation.

12Select the check box This is a computer-to-computer (ad hoc) network; wireless access points are not used at the bottom of the screen.

13Click OK.

Your Network name appears in the Preferred networks.

14Click Advanced.

The Advanced dialog box appears.

15Select the Computer-to-computer (ad hoc) networks only option button.

16Click Close.

17Click OK.

Your computer is ready to communicate with another computer.

*If you want to communicate between two or more computers, you need to configure all these computers the exact same way. This means that you need to enter the same Network name and the same Network key on all computers as on the first computer you configure.

**Hexadecimal: A number representation using the digits 0-9, with their usual meaning, plus the letters A-F (or a-f) to represent hexadecimal digits with values of (decimal) 10 to 15.

An ad-hoc network does not support WPA.


In France, only certain channels are legally allowed when using WLAN outdoors. For more information, see the Wireless LAN Regulations.