VG N -FW 280J/H

VA IO ® FW Series Notebook PC







Inspired by theaterscreens.Born from Sony® HD technology.


Intel® C ore™ 2 Duo P8400 processor(2.26G Hz1 ) w ith Intel® C entrino® 2 processortechnology – the latestchipsetfrom Intel® .

The VAIO ® FW notebook com es pre-installed w ith G enuine M icrosoft®

W indow s Vista® Hom e Prem ium 64-bit15 .

Built-in W ireless-N technology offers a boostin w ireless connection speed and range3 .

INSPIRED BY THEATER SC REENS.BO RN FRO M SO NY® HD TEC HN O LO G Y. Fallin love w ith yourfavorite m ovies alloveragain w ith an extra-w ide, theaterinspired 16.4”6 display (1600x900 resolution) using the energy- efficientXBRITE-EC O ™ LC D technology.

The 16:9 aspectratio ensures thatyou w on’tm iss an inch ofthe original picture from yourfavorite m ovie w hile also providing valuable extra

w orkspace.C om pare tw o docum ents orw ebsites side-by-side w ithoutthe hassle ofhaving to tab back and forth.

W ith integrated Blu-ray Disc™ technology and opticaldrive,you can archive orrecord17 25-50G B2 ofhom e m ovies,m usic and digitalphotos to a single Blu-ray Disc™ m edia (sold separately).

An HDM I™ outputdelivers video and audio to externalsources via a single cable so you can enjoy HD entertainm enton yourcom patible big screen TV w ithouta m yriad ofextra cables (HDM I™ cable sold separately)20 .


Store you favorite m ultim edia,im portantdocum ents,and cherished fam ily photos on the room y 320G B2 SerialATA hard drive.

The VAIO ® FW notebook,designed w ith dedicated AV C ontrols19 ,m akes navigating through yourfavorite m ultim edia quick and easy.

Whetherit’s forYouTube™ ,a class projectorforsharing w ith friends and fam ily,editing digitalvideo captured by yourSony Handycam ® is quick and easy w ith VAIO ® M ovie Story softw are.You choose the supplied tem plate and professional-looking cutaw ays,cross-fades and soundtrack

syncing are autom atically done foryou.

Stay connected to colleagues,friends and fam ily w ith real-tim e video conferencing4 using the integrated M O TIO N EYE® cam era and

m icrophone.


Broaden yourentertainm enthorizons w ith the VAIO ® FW notebook featuring an extra-w ide 16.4”6 XBRITE-EC O ™ LC D display.G reatfor

w atching16 and recording17 w idescreen Blu-ray Disc™ m ovies orview ing tw o w eb sites side-by-side,this entertainm entpow erhouse is inspired by theater screens,born from Sony® HD expertise and pow ered by Intel® C entrino® 2 processortechnology.

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Sony VGN-FW280H manual VG N -FW 280J/H