VG N -FW 280J/H
G eneral
Com puter Type:Notebook Type ofUse:Portable
Action Buttons:S1,DVD Play,A/V M ode,Volum e
Hardw are
Keyboard:Q W ERTY,86 keys w ith 2.0m m stroke and 19.05m m pitch
C am
Type:Intel® C ore™ 2 Duo ProcessorP8400
Speed:2.26G Hz1
FrontSide Bus Speed:1066M Hz
L2 C ache:3M B
Technology:Intel® C entrino® 2 processortechnology
M em ory
Installed:4G B PC
M axim um :8G B
Speed:800M Hz
Hard Drive
C apacity:320G B2
O pticalDrive #1
DVD+R DL W rite:2.4x m ax.
DVD+R W rite:8x m ax.
DVD+RW W rite:4x m ax.
C D Read:24x m ax.
DVD Read:8x m ax.
Expansion Slots
M ultim edia C ard Reader:O ne M em ory Stick PRO ™ (STD / Duo) m edia slotw ith M agicG ate® functionality O ne ExpressC ard® /34 m edia slot
O ne Secure Digital(SD™ m em ory card) m edia slot
Sound System :Dolby Sound Room ® Audio
Screen Size:16.4"6
Resolution:1600 x 900
G raphics
Processor:M obile Intel® G raphics M edia Accelerator 4500M HD w ith Intel® C learVideo Technology TotalAvailable G raphics M em ory:1750M B (m ax.)10
C hipset:M obile Intel® G M 45 Express C hipset Interface:HDM I™ 20 and VG A outw ith Sm artDisplay
Inputs and O utputs
M odem Jack:1
M icrophone Input:1
USB Port(s):3 (2.0 com pliant)
VG A O utput(s):1
i.LIN K® C onnection:1 (4pin) i.LINK® connector(IEEE 1394)9
Headphone O utput(s):1
EthernetC onnection (s):1
HDM I™ O utput:120
Netw orking/M odem
M odem Type:Integrated V.92/V.90 M odem
W ireless LAN :Intel® W iFiLink 5100AG N (802.11a/b/g/n)3
Bluetooth® Technology:Integrated Stereo A2DP Bluetooth® Technology (2.1 + EDR)18
Pow er
Battery Type:Standard C apacity Lithium
Estim ated Battery Life:2.5 to 5.5 hours11 Standard
C apacity Battery
3.5to 8.0 hours11 Large C apacity Battery Pow er Requirem ents:86W + 10%
Softw are
O perating System :G enuine M icrosoft® W indow s Vista® Hom e Prem ium
InternetServices:AO L®
Supplied Softw are:M icrosoft® W orks SE 9.0 w /
TrialVersion ofM icrosoft® O ffice Hom e and Student 200714
The VAIO ® Softw are Experience:VAIO ® Startup Assistant C lick to Disc
VAIO ® M ovie Story
VAIO ® M edia plus
Service and W arranty Inform ation
Telephone Support:1
O nline and Em ailSupport:Supportavailable from http://w w w /EN /VAIO
Lim ited W arranty Term :1 yearlim ited w arranty12 .See
actualw arranty fordetails.
Environm entalInform ation
RoHS® :C om pliant
Form ore inform ation:w w w /vaioeco Regulation and Standard C om pliance Energy Star® C om pliant:4.0
Dim ensions
W eight:6.7 lbs7 (w ith standard battery)
M easurem ents:15.1"(W ) x
Supplied Accessories
Standard Lithium
AC Adapter
Pow erC able
O ptionalAccessories
Large C apacity Battery (VG
Standard C apacity Battery (VG
Stick AC Adapter(VG
AC Adapter(VG
USB PortReplicator(VG
N eoprene C ase (VG
Ladies LeatherTote (VG
SportM essengerBag (VG
Bluetooth LaserM ouse18 (VG
VA IO ® FW Series Notebook PC
C olor:Titanium G ray
UPC C ode:27242751675
1.G Hzdenotesm icroprocessorinternalclockspeed;otherfactorsm ay affectapplication perform ance.C PU speed w illbe reduced under certain operating conditions.
2.G B m eansone billion bytesw hen referring to hard drive capacity. Accessible capacitym ayvary.A portion ofhard diskspace is reserved asa recoverypartition.
3.Requires802.11n com patible accesspoint.Som e functionalitym ay require Internetservices,w hich m ayrequire a fee.
4.Broadband Internetservice required along w ith third partyservices w hich m ayrequire a subscription orotherservice fee.
5.M icrosoft® W indow sLive™ O neC are™ TrialVersion
6.View able area m easured diagonally.
8.M easured atthe narrow estpoint
9.i.LINK isa tradem arkofSonyused onlyto designate thata product containsan IEEE 1394 connector.Allproductsw ith an i.LINK connectorm aynotcom m unicate w ith each other.
10.TotalAvailable G raphicsM em oryrefersto the new W indow sVista classification ofgraphicsm em ory,w hich variesdepending on the operating condition,version ofdevice driverand system m em orysize.
11.Actualbatterylife m ayvarybased on productsettings,usage patternsand environm entalconditions.
12.See actuallim ited w arrantyfordetails.Fora copyofSony'sw arranty, please visitw w
13.Forcertain third partysoftw are applications,Sonyprovidesfirstlevel phone support.Additionaltelephone supportm aybe available from the applicable 3rd partyvendor.Availabilityand schedule forany such supportisdeterm ined bythe aplicable softw are vendor.
15.C om patibilityand perform ance in a
16.C ertain circum stancesm aylim
17.Video recording to
18.Interoperabilityand com patibilityam ong Bluetooth® devicesvary. 19.AV InstantM ode notavailable w hen playing
Im age qualityw illvary.
C om puterInterface:Forthisproduct,there are a m ultitude ofvarying softw are packagesand
manufactured to w orkw ith anyspecific softw are,and Sonydoesnotand cannotm ake anyw arrantyorrepresentation w ith respectto the perform ance ofthisproductw ith anyparticularsoftw are packages
m aychoose to connectto it.W hile SonyrepresentativesorSony authorized dealersm aybe able to assistyou and m aym ake recom m endations,theyare NO Tauthorized to varyorw aive this disclaim er.Purchasersm ustdeterm ine forthem selvesthe suitabilityand com patibilityofthe hardw are and softw are in each and everyparticular instance.Softw are
Lam p in thisproductcontainsm ercury.Disposalofthese m aterialsm ay be regulated due to environm entalconsiderations.Fordisposalor recycling inform ation,please contactyourlocalauthoritiesorthe Electronic IndustriesAlliance (w w w
© 2008 SonyElectronicsInc.Allrightsreserved.Reproduction in w hole or in partw ithoutw ritten perm ission
C lickto Disc are tradem arksofSonyin the U.S.and in othercountries. M icrosoft,W indow s,W indow sLive,O neC are and W indow sVista are tradem arksofthe M icrosoftC orporation in the U.S.and in other countries.Inteland C entrino are registered tradem arksand C ore isa tradem arkofthe IntelC orporation in the U.S.and in othercountries. Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logo are registered tradem arksofSIG ,Inc.
Printed in U.S.A.09/08.
Sony Electronics Inc.• 16530 Via Esprillo • San Diego,C A 92127 • 1.800.222.7669 • w w w | LastUpdated:10/23/2008 |