VG N -FW 280J/H


G eneral

Com puter Type:Notebook Type ofUse:Portable

Action Buttons:S1,DVD Play,A/V M ode,Volum e -/ +, Play / Pause / Stop,W LAN / Bluetooth® on / off

Pointing Device:Electro-static touch pad

Hardw are

Keyboard:Q W ERTY,86 keys w ith 2.0m m stroke and 19.05m m pitch

C am era:Built-in 1.3 m egapixelM O TIO N EYE® cam era and m icrophone


Type:Intel® C ore™ 2 Duo ProcessorP8400

Speed:2.26G Hz1

FrontSide Bus Speed:1066M Hz

L2 C ache:3M B

Technology:Intel® C entrino® 2 processortechnology

M em ory


Installed:4G B PC 2-6400 (2G Bx2)

M axim um :8G B

Speed:800M Hz

Hard Drive

C apacity:320G B2



O pticalDrive #1

DVD+R DL W rite:2.4x m ax.

DVD+R W rite:8x m ax.

DVD+RW W rite:4x m ax.

DVD-R W rite:8x m ax.

DVD-RW W rite:4x m ax.

C D -R W rite:8x m ax.

C D -RW W rite:8x m ax.

C D Read:24x m ax.

DVD Read:8x m ax.

DVD-RAM W rite:5x m ax.

DVD-R DL W rite:2x m ax.

BD -R Read:2x m ax.

BD -R W rite:2x m ax.

BD -RE W rite:2x m ax.

BD -RO M Read:2x m ax.

BD -RE Read:2x m ax.

BD -R DL Read:1.6x m ax.

BD -R DL W rite:1x m ax.

DVD-RAM Read:5x m ax.

Blu-ray Disc™ Support:Yes (read16 / w rite17 ) (BD-R/-RE/- RO M / DVD±RW /±R DL/RAM Drive)

BD -RE DL Read:1.6x m ax.

BD -RE DL W rite:1x m ax.

Expansion Slots

M ultim edia C ard Reader:O ne M em ory Stick PRO ™ (STD / Duo) m edia slotw ith M agicG ate® functionality O ne ExpressC ard® /34 m edia slot

O ne Secure Digital(SD™ m em ory card) m edia slot


Sound System :Dolby Sound Room ® Audio


Screen Size:16.4"6

Resolution:1600 x 900

XBRITE-EC O ™ Technology:Yes

G raphics

Processor:M obile Intel® G raphics M edia Accelerator 4500M HD w ith Intel® C learVideo Technology TotalAvailable G raphics M em ory:1750M B (m ax.)10

C hipset:M obile Intel® G M 45 Express C hipset Interface:HDM I™ 20 and VG A outw ith Sm artDisplay


Inputs and O utputs

M odem Jack:1

M icrophone Input:1

USB Port(s):3 (2.0 com pliant)

VG A O utput(s):1

DC -In:1

i.LIN K® C onnection:1 (4pin) i.LINK® connector(IEEE 1394)9

Headphone O utput(s):1

EthernetC onnection (s):1

HDM I™ O utput:120

Netw orking/M odem

EthernetProtocol:10Base-T/100Base-TX/1000Base-T (G igabit)


M odem Type:Integrated V.92/V.90 M odem (RJ-11)

W ireless LAN :Intel® W iFiLink 5100AG N (802.11a/b/g/n)3

Bluetooth® Technology:Integrated Stereo A2DP Bluetooth® Technology (2.1 + EDR)18

Pow er

Battery Type:Standard C apacity Lithium -ion Battery (VG P-BPS13/S)

Estim ated Battery Life:2.5 to 5.5 hours11 Standard

C apacity Battery

3.5to 8.0 hours11 Large C apacity Battery Pow er Requirem ents:86W + 10%

Softw are

O perating System :G enuine M icrosoft® W indow s Vista® Hom e Prem ium 64-bit15

InternetServices:AO L® 90-Day Risk Free Trial-N ew Users O nly

Anti-Virus and Recovery Softw are:M icrosoft® W indow s Live™ O neC are™ TrialVersion5

Supplied Softw are:M icrosoft® W orks SE 9.0 w / 60-Day

TrialVersion ofM icrosoft® O ffice Hom e and Student 200714

The VAIO ® Softw are Experience:VAIO ® Startup Assistant C lick to Disc Editor-Im port,Edit,Burn

VAIO ® M ovie Story -Sim ple M ovie C reation VAIO ® M usicBox -M usic by M ood

VAIO ® M edia plus -M ultim edia Stream ing Softw are *Please access VAIO ® Help and Supportfrom your PC fora com plete listofsoftw are applications and trials.

Service and W arranty Inform ation

Telephone Support:1 yeartoll-free technicaltelephone assistance,available 24/713

O nline and Em ailSupport:Supportavailable from http://w w w /EN /VAIO

Lim ited W arranty Term :1 yearlim ited w arranty12 .See

actualw arranty fordetails.

Environm entalInform ation

RoHS® :C om pliant

Form ore inform ation:w w w /vaioeco Regulation and Standard C om pliance Energy Star® C om pliant:4.0

Dim ensions

W eight:6.7 lbs7 (w ith standard battery)

M easurem ents:15.1"(W ) x 1.14-1.46"(H) x 10.3"(D)7,8

Supplied Accessories

Standard Lithium -ion battery (VG P-BPS13/S)

AC Adapter

Pow erC able

O ptionalAccessories

Large C apacity Battery (VG P-BPL13)

Standard C apacity Battery (VG P-BPS13A/B)

Stick AC Adapter(VG P-AC 19V21)

AC Adapter(VG P-AC 19V25)

USB PortReplicator(VG P-UPR1)

N eoprene C ase (VG P-AM C 7)

Ladies LeatherTote (VG P-AM L4)

SportM essengerBag (VG P-AM B10)

Bluetooth LaserM ouse18 (VG P-BM S33/S)

VA IO ® FW Series Notebook PC

C olor:Titanium G ray

UPC C ode:27242751675

1.G Hzdenotesm icroprocessorinternalclockspeed;otherfactorsm ay affectapplication perform ance.C PU speed w illbe reduced under certain operating conditions.

2.G B m eansone billion bytesw hen referring to hard drive capacity. Accessible capacitym ayvary.A portion ofhard diskspace is reserved asa recoverypartition.

3.Requires802.11n com patible accesspoint.Som e functionalitym ay require Internetservices,w hich m ayrequire a fee.

4.Broadband Internetservice required along w ith third partyservices w hich m ayrequire a subscription orotherservice fee.

5.M icrosoft® W indow sLive™ O neC are™ TrialVersion -Thistrialsoftw are w illw orkforninety(90)daysafteryou firstuse it.You w illnotbe able to use the softw are ifyou do notactivate itasdescribed the firsttim e you use the softw are.You can activate the softw are byInternet:Internet service chargesm ayapply.Ifyou w antto keep using the softw are afterthe 90-daytrialperiod,you m ustbuya subscription.You can subscribe online byfollow ing the conversion instructionspresented during setup and paying the required feeds.

6.View able area m easured diagonally.

7.Non-m etric w eightsand m easuresare approxim ate and m ayvary.

8.M easured atthe narrow estpoint

9.i.LINK isa tradem arkofSonyused onlyto designate thata product containsan IEEE 1394 connector.Allproductsw ith an i.LINK connectorm aynotcom m unicate w ith each other.

10.TotalAvailable G raphicsM em oryrefersto the new W indow sVista classification ofgraphicsm em ory,w hich variesdepending on the operating condition,version ofdevice driverand system m em orysize.

11.Actualbatterylife m ayvarybased on productsettings,usage patternsand environm entalconditions.

12.See actuallim ited w arrantyfordetails.Fora copyofSony'sw arranty, please visitw w w /pcsupport,calltoll-free 888-476-6972 (888-4SO N YPC )orw rite to SonyElectronics,12451 G atew ay Boulevard,FortM yers,FL33913.

13.Forcertain third partysoftw are applications,Sonyprovidesfirstlevel phone support.Additionaltelephone supportm aybe available from the applicable 3rd partyvendor.Availabilityand schedule forany such supportisdeterm ined bythe aplicable softw are vendor.

14.60-DayTrialVersion ofM icrosoft® O ffice 2007 -Thistrialsoftw are w ill w orkonlyfor60 daysafteryou firstuse it.You w illnotbe able to use the softw are ifyou dontactivate itasdescribed the firsttim e you use the softw are.You can activate the softw are byInternet:Internet service chargesm ayapply.Ifyou w antto keep using the softw are afterthe 60-daytrialperiod,you m ustconvertto the perpetual version.You can convertonline byfollow ing the conversion instgructionspresented during setup and paying the required fees.

15.C om patibilityand perform ance in a 64-bitenvironm entm ayvary. C heckw ith the m anufacturerofyoursoftw are oraccessoryto ensure you have the latestupdates.

16.C ertain circum stancesm aylim it/preventBlu-ray Disc™ m edia playback.Foroptim alperform ance,dow nload allupdatesfrom /EN/DRIVERS.

17.Video recording to Blu-ray Disc™ m edia isdone in M PEG 2 and AVC form atsonly.

18.Interoperabilityand com patibilityam ong Bluetooth® devicesvary. 19.AV InstantM ode notavailable w hen playing Blu-ray Disc™ m edia. 20.Requireshigh definition-capable displayw ith HDM I™ connector.

Im age qualityw illvary.

C om puterInterface:Forthisproduct,there are a m ultitude ofvarying softw are packagesand add-on hardw are options.Thisproductisnot

manufactured to w orkw ith anyspecific softw are,and Sonydoesnotand cannotm ake anyw arrantyorrepresentation w ith respectto the perform ance ofthisproductw ith anyparticularsoftw are packages and/ornon-Sonyadd-on hardw are optionsexceptthose m entioned here. Sonyherebydisclaim sanyrepresentationsorw arrantiesthatthis productiscom patible w ith anycom bination ofnon-Sonyproductsyou

m aychoose to connectto it.W hile SonyrepresentativesorSony authorized dealersm aybe able to assistyou and m aym ake recom m endations,theyare NO Tauthorized to varyorw aive this disclaim er.Purchasersm ustdeterm ine forthem selvesthe suitabilityand com patibilityofthe hardw are and softw are in each and everyparticular instance.Softw are titlespre-installed on the Sonycom puterare subject to change w ithoutnotice.Preinstalled softw are m aynotbe identicalto retailversionsorhave alldocum entation.Featuresand specificationsare subjectto change w ithoutnotice.Thisproductm eetsthe standardsofthe InternationalEnergyStarProgram forenergyefficiency.

Lam p in thisproductcontainsm ercury.Disposalofthese m aterialsm ay be regulated due to environm entalconsiderations.Fordisposalor recycling inform ation,please contactyourlocalauthoritiesorthe Electronic IndustriesAlliance (w w w

© 2008 SonyElectronicsInc.Allrightsreserved.Reproduction in w hole or in partw ithoutw ritten perm ission isprohibited.Sony,VAIO ,XBRITE-EC O , M O TIO N EYE,Handycam ,M em oryStickDuo,M agicG ate,i.LINK and

C lickto Disc are tradem arksofSonyin the U.S.and in othercountries. M icrosoft,W indow s,W indow sLive,O neC are and W indow sVista are tradem arksofthe M icrosoftC orporation in the U.S.and in other countries.Inteland C entrino are registered tradem arksand C ore isa tradem arkofthe IntelC orporation in the U.S.and in othercountries. Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logo are registered tradem arksofSIG ,Inc. Blu-rayDisc isa tradem ark.Dolbyisa registered tradem arkofDolby Laboratories.ENERG Y STAR isa registered U.S.m ark.Allother tradem arksare tradem arksoftheirrespective ow ners.

Printed in U.S.A.09/08.

Sony Electronics Inc.• 16530 Via Esprillo • San Diego,C A 92127 • 1.800.222.7669 • w w w


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Image 2
Sony VGN-FW280H Eneral, Hardw are, Processor, Em ory, Hard Drive, PticalDrive #1, Expansion Slots, Audio, Display, Raphics