To set up voice dialing and record names

1} Settings } General tab } Voice control } Voice dialing } Activate } Yes } New voice. Select a contact.

2Select the phone number to add the voice command to.

Record a voice command such as “John mobile”.

3Instructions appear. Lift the phone to your ear, wait for the tone and say the command that you want to record.

The voice command is played back to you.

4If the recording is ok } Yes. If not } No. Repeat step 3. To record another voice command for a contact } Edit names } New voice again and repeat steps 2-5 above.

Turn the Media player off before using voice dialing.

Scroll to the Media player and press to turn off.

To set up voice answering and record voice answer commands1} Settings } General tab } Voice control } Voice answer}Activate.

2Instructions appear. } Continue and lift the phone to your ear. Wait for the tone and say “Answer”, or another

word. If the recording sounds ok } Yes. If not } No and repeat step 2.

3Say “Busy”, or another word } Yes.

Follow the instructions that appear, save when finished.

You cannot use voice answering if you have selected an MP3 file as ringtone.

The magic word

Record and use a voice command as a magic word to activate voice control without pressing any keys. The magic word can only be used with a handsfree.


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