To reply to an email message

1 Open the email message } Reply.

2 Write your message } More to view options.

3 } OK } Continue } Send to send the message.

To save an item or attachment in an email message

To save an email address, a phone number or a Web address } More and select to save the item.

To save an attachment, select the message } More. Select the attachment } Save.

To delete email messages

To delete a selected message, press

To delete several messages in a folder }More }Mark Several. Scroll and } Mark to select messages. } More } Mark for Deletion. The marked messages are deleted the next time you connect to your email server.

For IMAP4 users: } More } Clear Inbox and select

}With Send & Rec. or }No Send & Rec. to delete messages the next time you connect to your email server.

My friends

For more information, contact your service provider or visit


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