
To take a self-portrait

Night Mode – enhance picture quality in poor





lighting conditions with longer exposure time.




Effects – select different effects for your picture





or video.




View All Pictures (pictures).




Shoot Mode (pictures) – select from Normal for





no frame, Panorama to combine a few pictures





into one wide picture, Frames to add a frame





to your picture and Burst to take a few pictures





in rapid succession.




Picture Size – choose between Large 1280x1024,

1 Hold the phone as shown in the illustration.


Medium 640x480 and Small 160x120.

Self-Timer(pictures) – the picture is taken a few

You can see your reflection in the mirror


seconds after you press the camera button.







Picture Quality – choose between Normal

2 Press and hold

to activate the camera.


and Fine picture quality.


again to take the picture.


Shutter Sound (pictures) – select different




Camera options



shutter sounds.

When the camera is activated } More to view more

Saving and sending pictures and






video clips
View All Clips (video).

When you have taken a picture or recorded a video

Shoot Mode (video) – choose between

clip, it is saved in the phone memory. You can send

For Picture Msg and High-Quality Video.

the picture or video clip instantly in a picture message.

Video Size – choose between Large 176x144

To exchange pictures and video clips using other

and Small 128x96.



transfer methods % 32 Exchanging pictures and

video clips.


This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.