Sending text messagesFor information about entering letters%17 Entering letters.

Some language-specific characters use more space. For some languages you can deactivate National chars. to save space.

To write and send a text message1} Messaging } Write new } Text message.2Write your message } Continue. (You

can save a message for later in Drafts by pressing } Save message.)

3} Enter phone no. and enter a number, or } Contacts look-upto retrieve a number or a group from Contacts, or } Enter email addr. or select from last used recipients } Send.

To send a message to an email address, you need to set an email gateway number, } Messaging } Settings } Text message } Email gateway. The number is supplied by your service provider.

To copy and paste text in a message1When writing your message } More } Copy & paste.

2} Copy all or } Mark & copy and use the navigation key to scroll and mark text in your message.

3} More } Copy & paste } Paste.
To insert an item in a text message1When writing your message } More } Add item.2Select an option and then an item, for example, a picture.

You can convert your text message to a picture message. When writing your message } More } To picture msg and continue creating a picture message,

%38 Picture messaging (MMS).

Receiving text messagesWhen you receive a text message,

it appears in the activity menu if New events is set to Activity menu. } View to read the message.

If New events is set to Pop-up, you are asked if you want to read the text message. } Yes to read the message or } No to read it later. When you have read the text message } More for

options or press to close the message.

To call a number in a text message Select the phone number displayed in the message, } Call.

Saving and deleting text messages Received text messages are saved in the phone memory. When the phone memory is full, delete messages or move them to the SIM card to be able


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