Contact list You can create nicknames for the contacts in your list that are connected to the My friends server. You can also link a contact to the phonebook, and get access to all information saved in the phonebook.
To enter a nickname
1} Messaging } My friends, and select a contact.
2} More } Manage contact } Edit nickname.
3Enter the nickname for that contact } Save.
To link a contact to the phonebook
1} Messaging } My friends and select a contact.
2} More } Manage contact } Link to contacts and select the contact in phonebook that you want to create a link to.
Strangers A stranger is someone that is not in your list of contacts. An icon indicates a message from a stranger. You can add the stranger to your list of contacts, or you can block the stranger. If you do not perform any action, the stranger disappears when you log out from the My friends server.
To add a stranger to the list of contacts
}Messaging } My friends and select the stranger
}More }Add as contact.
Blocking contacts and strangers You can block a contact or stranger so that they cannot view your status or send you messages.
To block or unblock a contact
1} Messaging } My friends and select a contact.
2}More } Manage contact. Select Block contact or Unblock contact.
To block a stranger
}Messaging } My friends and select the stranger
}More }Block user.
Chatroom A chatroom can be started by your service provider, by an individual My friends user or by yourself. You can save chatrooms either by saving a chat invitation or by searching for a specific chatroom.
To join a chatroom Messaging } My friends and select a chatroom
}Join chat
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