Calling contacts

To call a phone contact

To call a contact written in Chinese characters

1> Contacts. Then enter the entire multi-letter name, pure initial or mixed initial pinyin of Chinese contacts you want to call. For example:

Initial status

Full name search

Pure initial search Mixed initial search

2 When the contact is highlighted, press or to select a number and press .

To call a contact written in Latin characters

1> Contacts. Scroll to, or enter the first letters or all letters of the contact you want to call (a maximum of 10 letters).


Input 'A'

input 'AM'

input 'AMY'

2When the contact is highlighted, press or to select a number and press .

Note: Phone supports Chinese and English contacts mixed search. When a contact is written in Latin characters, the entered letter can reach the Latin contact you want to call; when a contact is written in Chinese characters, the entered letter can reach the pinyin of Chinese contact you want to call.


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