White Paper M600
Enhanced text prediction
You can use Enhanced text prediction when input- ting in all three methods: dual function keyboard, Virtual keyboard and Handwriting recognition. The primary word or next word prediction suggestion is presented where you are writing; additional sug- gestions are presented in a
Note: While entering text, you have the option to either select any of the word suggestions dis- played, or to ignore them and continue entering text via your chosen method. If a prediction sug- gestion is shown when you are sending/saving the input text, this word will not be sent/saved.
Long press on spacebar
A long press on the hardware spacebar launches the virtual keypad.
Activity menu
The Activity menu is displayed when M600 starts.
Activity Menu Screen
The Activity menu acts as the starting point for tasks performed on M600, it does this by linking to the feature rich applications of the phone.
The Activity menu is highly customisable, just about every aspect of its appearance, content, navigation methods and behaviour can be changed.
It is possible to have several applications open on M600 at any time. An open application can either be closed, using the back key or simply left open.
Selecting Task Manager displays a list of open applications. To return to an open application select it from the Task Manager or the Application list.
Editing features to move text from one application to another can be used.
Standard M600
•Europe, Middle East, Americas, Latin Asia
•Latin characters (a, b, c…) on the keyboard and numeric keypad
•Russian numeric keypad available
•Flip closed input by
•Latin character handwriting recognition
•People's Republic of China
•Chinese keypad, Pinyin and Strokes input method
•Latin and Strokes characters on the keyboard
•Chinese handwriting recognition
•Client for online Chinese dictionary
•Lunar calendar
23 | February 2006 |