Developers Guideline UIQ C++ and PersonalJava
Skin images
Sony Ericsson provides skin images and property files for changing the “look and feel” of the generic UIQ emulator of the Sony Ericsson P800, P900 and P910 series. The skin images are available at Sony Erics- son Developer World.
In order to mirror the appearance of the phone’s screen in the UIQ Emulator, do the following:
1.Backup existing files in the UIQ SDK.
<sdkroot>\epoc32\data\epoc.bmp and
2.Replace the above epoc.bmp and epoc.ini files with the files provided by Sony Ericsson.
Emulator issues and guidelines
•An emulator error may occur for PCs with more than two COM ports. Removing irda.esk and bt.esk from \epoc32\[target]\system\data resolves this problem.
•If the emulator does not start when pressing run and the command line window says: "Unable to
initialize threads: cannot find class java/lang/Thread", set the environment vari- able _epoc_drive_j to <SDK_DIR>\epoc32\java\.
•Personal Java applications can be compiled with any Personal Java compiler and tested in the UIQ emulator.
•C++ applications must be compiled with CodeWarrior Development Studio for Symbian OS or Borland C++ BuilderX Mobile Edition to be able to be tested in the UIQ emulator. See page 12 for further infor- mation concerning IDEs.
Chinese extensions to the emulator
If your applications require Chinese Traditional and Simplified Chinese input in the emulator (P802/P908), a Chinese extension to the UIQ SDK can be downloaded from Sony Ericsson Developer World.
Porting applications
The UIQ User interface design is referred to as Qikon. Another
Porting guidelines are available for developers who would like to port their applications from Series 60 to UIQ. There are also commercial porting tools and professional services available for developers who want to port from Avkon to Qikon user interfaces. More information can be found in “Porting Guide S60 to P800/P900” at Sony Ericsson Developer World.
18 | October 2004 |