To view playlist options

Scroll to a playlist and select More for options.

Online music

You can view videos and listen to music by streaming them to your phone from the Internet. If settings are not already in your phone

%54 Settings. For more information, contact your network operator or visit

To select a data account for streaming

1From standby select Menu } Settings } the Connectivity tab } Streaming Settings.

2Select the data account to use.

To stream video and audio

1From standby select Menu

}Monternet } More } Go to

}Enter Address.

2Enter an address and select a link to stream from.

To stream music and videos

1From standby select Menu

}Monternet } More } Go to


2Select a link to stream.

Video files open in the Video player.

Music files open in the Music player.

Ringtones and melodies

To select a ringtone

1From standby select Menu } Settings } the Sounds & Alerts tab } Ringtone.

2Select an option.

To turn the ringtone on or off

From standby press and hold down

. All signals except the alarm signal are affected.

To set ringtone volume

1From standby select Menu } Settings } the Sounds & Alerts tab } Ring Volume.

2Press or to change the volume.

3 Select Save.

To set the vibrating alert

1From standby select Menu } Settings } the Sounds & Alerts tab } Vibrating Alert.

2Select an option.


This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.