White Paper T100/T102
14 September 2002

Easy create for WAP

Creating a WAP service is no harder than creating
an Intranet/Internet service today since WML and
WMLScript are based on well-known Internet tech-
nology. New market segments can be addressed
by launching innovative mobile Value Added Serv-

Using standard tools

It is possible for the service creator to use standard
tools like ASP or CGI to generate content dynami-
cally. You can utilize existing investments in data-
bases etc that are the basis of existing Internet
services. Create a service once and make it acces-
sible on a broad range of wireless networks.

Maintain customer base

You can adapt existing Internet services to WAP.
The actual binary encoding can be handled by the
WAP Gateway which makes it possible to create
WAP applications using the text-based language
WML and other tools. In fact, existing HTML-based
applications on the Internet can be viewed in the
WAP browser, if an automatic conversion is per-
formed in the WAP Gateway.

Improve productivity

Improve and simplify the communication flow
within an organization by making information avail-
able to mobile users. A company or organization
can use a WAP gateway to provide a secure con-
nection to the company network for their users.

The WAP profiles

The T100/T102 holds a number of WAP profiles,
each with a group of network settings and a home
page. If you provide a corporate WAP service on
your Intranet, it is useful to enter an Intranet WAP
profile in user phones. The WAP profile holds net-
work settings and user identification. Users can
easily switch between corporate services and WAP
services on the Internet, simply by switching WAP

Connection-orientated WAP

The T100/T102 supports connection-oriented WAP
over GSM Data. In general, this means that the
connection between the WAP browser in the phone
and the WAP Gateway is maintained in a session
with error recovery services. This gives a high relia-
bility with a reduced risk of errors in the transmis-
sion, and improves efficiency in WAP browsing.
Bearer type characteristics
The phone accesses WAP services over IP, which
is provided over GSM Data.
Advantages with GSM data access:
Circuit connection of data call, which means
that the phone is connected during the entire
WAP session.
Comparably higher transmission speed than
with SMS access.
Pricing of GSM Data access can be compared
to pricing of data calls in the network.
GSM Data is suitable for Complex Pull services,
Browsing and Data transfer.
The WAP Gateway provides services in the com-
pany’s Intranet, a banking or stock trading service
on the Internet, or access to other WAP applica-
tions on web addresses anywhere on the Internet.
GSM Data is not suitable for Provisioning, Pager