White Paper T100/T102
21 September 2002
SIM application toolkit
The SIM Application Toolkit (SIM AT) is a smart
card-centric method of deploying programs that
apply only to GSM and to SMS and USSD trans-
ports. Programs must be distributed on smart
cards. WAP is an Internet-centric method of
deploying programs that is independent of network
technology. Programs and content are kept cen-
trally on web servers and downloaded as required.
While there is some overlap, WAP is a particularly
good choice when deploying programs that also
have an HTML version for desktop use. Work is
currently underway on building interfaces between
the two technologies.
For an operator, a company or service provider,
SIM AT offers a powerful way to deploy programs
and services to users, without the need for new or
upgraded equipment. All necessary setup and pro-
gramming is distributed to users over the air,
directly to their phones. In the T100/T102, a sepa-
rate menu is available for functions residing on the
SIM card. These can include submenus for control-
ling functions, and also functions which allow the
phone to initiate calls, send data, and display infor-
mation to the user.

SIM AT services supported by the T100/T102

Service Mode Support in
DISPLAY TEXT General: Support for packed and unpacked format in
SMS default alphabet as well as UCS2 alphabet
bit 1: 0 = normal priority Yes
1 = high priority Yes
bit 8: 0 = clear message after a delay Yes
1 = wait for user to clear message Yes
GET INKEY General: The GET_INKEY requires that the user press
"Yes" to confirm his/her choice
bit 1: 0 = digits (0-9, *, # and +) only Yes
1 = alphabet set Yes
bit 2: 0 = SMS default alphabet Yes
1 = UCS2 alphabet Yes
bit 3: 0 = character sets defined by bit 1 and bit 2 are
1 = character sets defined by bit 1 and bit 2 are
disabled and the "Yes/No" response is requested
GET INPUT General: No. of hidden input characters 20
bit 1: 0 = digits (0-9, *, # and +) only Yes
1 = alphabet set Yes