Phone contacts

Save contacts in the phone with names, phone numbers and personal information. You can also add pictures and ringtones to contacts. Use , , and to scroll between the tabs and their information fields.

To add a phone contact1} Contacts } New contact } Add.

2 Enter the name } OK.

3 Enter the number } OK.4 Select a number type.

5 Scroll between the tabs and select the fields to add information. To enter symbols such as @, } More } Add symbol and select the symbol } Insert.

6 When all information is entered } Save.To delete a contact}Contacts and scroll to a contactand press .
To delete all phone contacts}Contacts } Options } Advanced

}Delete all contacts } Yes and } Yes. Names and numbers on the SIM card are not deleted.

To automatically save names and phone numbers to the SIM card

}Contacts } Options } Advanced

}Auto save on SIM and select On.Memory status

The number of contacts you can save in the phone or on the SIM card depends on available memory.

}Contacts } Options } Advanced

}Memory Status.

Calling 25

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