3Select an option and an item } Save.

If your subscription supports Calling Line Identification (CLI) service, you can assign personal ringtones to contacts.

To save and restore contacts with a memory card

} Contacts } More } Options

} Advanced } Back Up To M.S. or Restore From M.S.

To edit a phone contact


To select the sort order for contacts

1 } Contacts and select a contact } More

} Contacts } More } Options

} Edit Contact.


} Advanced } Sort Order.

2 Scroll to the relevant tab and select




the field to edit } Edit.


Call List

3 Edit the information } Save.


Information about most recent calls.



To edit a SIM contact


To call a number from the call list

1 If SIM Contacts is default } Contacts


1 From standby, } Calls and select

and select the name and number to


a tab.

edit. If Phone Contacts is default


2 Scroll to the name or number to call

} Contacts } More } Options } SIM


} Call to make a voice call, or } More

Contacts and select the name and



} Make Video Call to make a video call.

number to edit.




2 } More } Edit Contact and edit the


To add a call list number to contacts

name and number.

1 From standby, } Calls and select

Synchronizing Contacts


a tab.

2 Scroll to the number to add } More

You can synchronize your contacts


} Save Number.

with a contacts application on the

3 } New Contact to create a new

Web. For more information


contact, or select an existing contact

% 67 Synchronizing.



to add the number to.




To clear the call list


} Calls } the All tab } More

} Delete All.

Calling 27

This is the Internet version of the User's guide. © Print only for private use.