
Show your status to your contacts only or show it to all users on the My friends server.

To set status1} Messaging } My Friends } More} Settings and select Show My Status.2Choose To All or Only to contacts } Select.To change your own status} Messaging } My Friends } the My Status tab and update your statusinformation. Use or to scroll between the status fields.Chat group

A chat group can be started by your service provider, by an individual My friends user or by yourself. You can save chat groups by saving a chat invitation or by searching for a specific chat group.

To start a chat group

1} Messaging } My Friends } the Chat Groups tab } More } Add Chat Group } New Chat Group.

2Select who to invite to the chat group from your contacts list } Continue.3Enter a short invitation text } Continue } Send.To add a chat group1} Messaging } My Friends } the Chat Groups tab } More } Add Chat Group.2} By Group ID to enter chat group ID directly or } Search to search fora chat group.

Conversation history is preserved between log out and log in to let you return to chat messages from previous conversations.


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