To open a bookmark

1From the Browser screen, press .

2Tap Bookmarks.

3Tap the bookmark you want to open.

To edit a bookmark

1From the Browser screen, press .

2Tap Bookmarks.

3Tap and hold your finger on a bookmark to open a menu.

4Tap Edit bookmark.

5Edit name and web address, as desired.

6Tap OK.

To delete a bookmark

1From the Browser screen, press .

2Tap Bookmarks.

3Tap and hold your finger on a bookmark to open a menu.

4Tap Delete bookmark to delete the selected bookmark.

To bookmark a previously visited web page

1From the Browser screen, press .

2Tap Bookmarks.

3Tap the History tab, or the Most visited tab, to view a list of previously visited web pages.

4Tap the icon to the right of the web page you want to add as a bookmark.

Managing text and images

To find text within a web page

1When you are viewing a web page, press .

2Tap More > Find on page

3Enter the search word and press Done.

4Matching characters will be highlighted in green. Tap the left or right arrow to go to the previous or next matching item.

5Tap to close the search bar.

To save an image

1Tap and hold your finger on the desired image until a menu appears.

2Tap Save image.

Multiple windows

Your browser can run in up to eight different windows at the same time. You can, for example, log in to your webmail in one window and read today's news in another. You can easily switch from one window to another.

To open a new browser window

1From the Browser screen, press .

2Tap New window.

To open a link in a new browser window

1Tap and hold your finger on a link until a menu appears.

2Tap Open in new window.

To switch between browser windows

1From the Browser screen, press .

2Tap Windows to see a list of all open windows.

3Tap the window you want to switch to.


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