Getting to know your phone

Entering letters

There are two ways of entering letters, for example, when writing a message or writing a name in contacts:

Multitap text input

You press each key as many times

as needed to show the letter you want.

T9™ Text Input

You press each key only once, even if the letter you want is not the first letter on the key.

To enter letters using T9™ Text Input

1To enter text, you have

to be in a function where text input is possible, for example,

}Messaging } Write New

}Text Message.

2For example, if you want to write

the word “Jane”, press ,

, , .

3If the word shown is the one you

want, press to accept and add a space. To accept a word

without adding a space, press . If the word shown is not the one

you want, press or to view alternative words. Accept a word

and add a space by pressing .

4Continue writing your message. To enter a period or other

punctuation marks, press and then or repeatedly.

Accept by pressing .

To select another writing method Before, or while entering letters, press

and hold to select another writing method.

File manager

Use the file manager to handle files (for example, pictures, video clips and sounds) saved in the phone memory and on the Memory Stick Duo. Items such as Pictures, Videos, Sounds, Themes, Games

and Applications are saved as files in folders. All files that the phone cannot recognize are saved in the Other folder. You can create your own subfolders in some predefined folders, to which you can move your saved files.

When handling files, you can select several or all files in a folder at the same time. You can move and copy files between the Memory Stick Duo and the phone. Icons indicate where the files are saved.

All files, except some copyright- protected files, are automatically saved on the Memory Stick Duo.

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