
4 } Enter Phone No. and enter

Text messaging (SMS)

the recipient’s phone number,

Text messages can contain simple

or } Contacts Lookup to retrieve

pictures, animations, melodies and

a number or a group from

sound effects.

Contacts. To enter an email

If you send a text message to a group,

address } Enter Email Addr.

A list below shows the last 10

you are charged for each member

of that group.

recipients. You can also select


a recipient from this list. } Send.

Before you start


To make a call while creating

First make sure that the number of your

service center is set. The number

a picture message

1 While writing your message

is supplied by your service provider

} More.

and is usually saved on the SIM card.

2 } Make a Call and enter or retrieve

To set the service center number

a phone number } Call. You return

1 } Messaging } Settings

to the message.

} Text Message } Service Center.

3 To end the call } More } End Call.

If the service center number


To save items from a picture

is saved on the SIM card,

it is shown in the list.


2 If there is no number in the list

When you have viewed a picture

message } More } Save Items

} Add and enter the number,

and select an item from the list

including the international “+”

that appears.

sign and country code } Save.


Sending text messages


For information about entering letters,


% 20 Entering letters.


Some language-specific characters


use more space. For some languages


you can deactivate National Chars.


to save space.

This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use. 27