Music and video controls

To change the volume

Press the volume keys up or down. To return to the player menus

Select Back.

To return to the players

Select Options > Resume. To exit the player menus

Press and hold down .

Browsing files

Music and video files are saved and categorized.

Artists – list tracks you have transferred using Media Manager.

Albums – list tracks by album in your phone and on a memory card.

Tracks – list all music tracks in your phone and on a memory card.

Audio books – list audio books you have transferred from your computer.

Podcasts – list all podcasts you have transferred from your computer.

Playlists – create own lists of tracks.

SensMe™ – list all tracks available by mood.

Genre – list music genres.

Year – list tracks in your phone and on a memory card by year.

Video – list all video clips in your phone or on a memory card.


You can create playlists to organize files. You can sort the files by artist or title. Files can be added to more than one playlist.

Deleting a playlist, or a file from

a playlist, does not delete the file from the memory, just the reference to the file.

To create a playlist

1From standby select Media and scroll to Music > Playlists.

2Scroll to New playlist and select Add.

3 Enter a name and select OK.

4 Scroll to a track and select Mark.

5 Select Add to add the track to the playlist.


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