
TrackID™ is a free music recognition service. Search for song titles, artists and album names.

To search for song information

When you hear a song through

a loudspeaker, from standby select Menu > Entertainment > TrackID™.

When the radio is playing select Options > TrackID™.


Do not use your phone as a radio in places where this is prohibited.

To listen to the radio

1Connect the handsfree to the phone.

2 From standby select Menu > Radio.

To change the volume

When the radio is playing, press the volume keys up or down.

To automatically search for channels

When the radio is playing, select Search.

To manually search for channels

When the radio is playing, press or .

To switch between preset channels

When the radio is playing, press or


Saving channels

You can save up to 20 preset channels. To save channels

When you have found a radio channel select Options > Save.

To select saved channels

1From standby select Menu > Radio > Options > Channels.

2Select a radio channel.

To save channels in positions 1 to 10

When you have found a radio channel,

press and hold down .

To select channels saved in positions 1 to 10

When the radio is playing, press



You can listen to music before you purchase and download it to your phone.

This service is not available in all countries/regions. In some countries/ regions you can purchase music from some of the world’s top musical artists.

Entertainment 51

This is the Internet version of the User's guide. © Print only for private use.