Using the still camera
To take a photo
1Activate the camera.
2If the still camera is not selected, tap .
3Point the camera towards the subject and press the camera key halfway down to
use auto-focus.
4When the focus frame turns green, press the camera key fully down. The photo is
automatically saved on the memory card. The photo appears in review mode.
5To take another photo, press the camera key.
To use the still camera flash
1Activate the camera.
2To have the flash fire automatically when lighting conditions are poor, tap .
3To have the flash turned off regardless of the lighting conditions, tap .
4Take the photo.
To view previously taken photos
1In the camera viewfinder, tap the photo thumbnails at the bottom left.
2Flick left or right to browse the photos and videos. Videos are identified by .
To delete a photo
1When you are viewing a photo, tap the screen if no controls are displayed.
2Tap .
To share a photo
1When you are viewing a photo, tap the screen if no controls are displayed.
2Tap .
3Select one of the available transfer methods.
Adding the geographical position to your photos
When geotagging is turned on, the approximate geographical location is added to photos
when you take them. This information can later be used to identify the location where the
photo was taken. When appears in the viewfinder, the geographical location is added
to the photo using GPS technology. When appears, the geographical location is added
to the photo using the wireless network. When none of these two symbols appear,
geotagging is not turned on.
The geographical location is determined either by using wireless networks or GPS technology.
To use GPS technology make sure that you have enabled the GPS receiver and that you have
a clear view of the sky. If not, the wireless network is used to determine the location.
To turn on or off geotagging
1From the Home screen, drag upwards.
2Find and tap Settings > Sony Ericsson > Camera > Geotagging.
3Tap the check box to turn geotagging on or off.
Improving photos with Scenes
Before you take a photo, you can set up the camera for common situations using pre-
programmed scenes. The Scenes feature determines a number of settings for you to fit the
selected scene, ensuring the best possible photo.
Scenes settings
The camera uses settings that fit most conditions
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