the government-adopted requirement for safe exposure*. The
tests are performed in positio ns and locations (i.e ., by the ear and
worn on the bod y) as requi red by the F CC for eac h model. Th e FCC
has granted an Equipment Authorization for this phone mode l with
all reported SAR l evels eval uated as in complian ce with the FCC RF
exposure guidelines. While there may be differences between the
SAR levels of various phones, all mobile phones granted an FCC
equipment authorization meet the government requirement for
safe exposure. SAR information on this phone model is on file at
the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section of after searching on FCC
ID PY7A38 80092 . Addi tiona l inf ormat ion o n SAR can b e foun d on
the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA)
website at
* In the United States and Canada, the SAR limit for mobile
phones used by the public is 1.6 watts/kilogram (W/kg) averaged
over one gram of tissue. The standard incorporates a margin of
safety to give additional protection for the public and to account
for any variations in measurements.
**This paragraph is only app licable to authoriti es and customers
in the United States.