12. How to create: speed dial, speed SMS, speed Contact and speed MMS
In Immediate Contacts pages you can add speed links to more frequent contacts in alphabetical order.
To create new speed dial:
click add dial button (a film button) > Select in Shortcut to: the Speed Dial line > Select in Icon Size:
the Large icon size line > Click Next > Select your contact > Click Select > Select right phone
number > Click Select > Put the icon in its appropriate location
To create new speed sms/contact/mms:
click add sms/contact/mms button (upper the film buttons) > Select in Shortcut to: the Speed sms /
Speed contact / Speed mms line > Select Use custom icon > Select in Icon Size: the Original picture
size line > Click Next > Select your contact > Click Select > Select the right phone number > Select
the Speed Icon (02.Sms.gif / 03.Contact.gif / 04.Mms.gif) > Click Select > Put the icon in its
appropriate location
Important: Before closing Tracker, remember to save the changes otherwise your shoutcuts added for speed
dial/sms/contact/mms will lost. To do this you have to go to: main Tracker menu > Click Desktop > Click Save
changes now.
13. Support and Updates
To support, you can contact us to: XPMobileSupport
For registered users all XPX00/910 updates are free and receive them by e-mail attached file.
You can download the Icons Packages update from: XPMobileUpdates
XPX00/910 Mobile O.S. User Manual 14