5.2. XPX00 MOBILE O.S. installation (P800 smartphones)
First you must install Tracker 4.04 (or above) in your phone. Next you have to follow these steps:
1) Run (double click) eXPeriencePackEN.exe (*) package file and extract it.
2) Link your P800 device to PC through usb cable, irda port or Bluetooth connection.
3) Launch, from your PC, XPX00 Mobile O.S. package (XPX00Mobile.sis).
4) During sis file installation you can select the following options:
Skin Activation (**)
Theme Option: it installs XPX00 Theme Standard into your phone.
Flip Log Sounds option: it installs Logon/Logoff alert sounds for Tracker.
5) Close and restart Tracker.
6) Theme installation. You must install Magic Themes (by Symbianwave): in XPX00 O.S. Mobile click
Start > Setup (4 balls button next to XP800 Mobile title) > click Magic Themes on list > Utility >
Import > XPX00Mobile > Done > Select XPX00Mobile and double click on it.
7) Icons Packages (***)installation: there are 4 installer files in XPX00 package. If you want to install the
packages in internal memory of your device, you have to run these files into following folders:
- IconsPackages / InstallMEM / XPX00AppIcoMEM1.01.sis (it installs Application Icons in C)
- IconsPackages / InstallMEM / XPX00AppIcoMEM1.01.sis (it installs Game Icons in C)
Instead, if you want to install icons packages in your external disk (memory stick Duo) you have to
- IconsPackages / InstallMSD / XPX00AppIcoMSD1.01.sis (it installs Application Icons in D)
- IconsPackages / InstallMSD / XPX00AppIcoMSD1.01.sis (it installs Game Icons in D)
(*) The package name is different for each language.
Example: eXperiencePackXX.exe
XX= FR (French), SP (Spanish), GE (German), IT (Italian)
(**) Skin Activation Option is designed for Tracker 4.04. If you have a new Tracker release this option could not work
correctly. In this case, during installation, disable it. To activate the skin and the sounds follow these steps:
1. Skin activation: run Tracker, go to skin main Menu button (Skin > Select Skin… > XPX00Mobile.ztr > click Select)
2. Log Sounds installation: click Star button (next time indicator) > Double Click Menu > Settings > Click the right
Arrow three times > In Sounds section choose: LogOnXp.mp3 in Flip open and LogOffXp.mp3 in Flip Close > Click
Alternatively you can download the XPX00Active.sis file in XPMobileUpdates webpage.
(***) It installs shortcuts icons in your phone under D (or C):\(documents)\ Media Files\Image\X.XXX(alphabetical folder)
XPX00/910 Mobile O.S. User Manual 6