More functions

File manager

To move a file

1From standby select Menu > File manager.

2Open a folder, scroll to a file and select More > Move.

3Select a folder or select New folder, name the new folder

and select OK.

4Select Paste.

To select several files

1From standby select Menu > File manager and open a folder.

2Scroll to a file and select More > Mark.

3Select Mark several or Mark all. To select files, scroll and select Mark or Unmark.

To view the memory status

From standby select Menu > File manager > More > Memory status.

If the memory is full, delete some content. Scroll to a file or a folder and select More > Delete.


Some phone settings are adapted to different situations, for example, a meeting.

To select a profile

From standby select Menu > Settings > General > Profiles and select a profile to use.


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