RackPack: Preference Mic Pre 7
When recording acoustic instrum ents or vocals , using a m icrophone
is inevitable. T he actual output leve l of a m icrophone is very low and
therefore has to be boos ted to studio or lin e level (0 dB) with a pream-
plifier. Sometime s signals have to be b oosted by a fac tor of 2000 or
more. As a c onsequence, t he resulting sound quali ty provide d by the
preamp is of para mount imp ortance, so a good microphone preamp
that does not overdrive is t he definitive r equirement in order to r ecord
acoustic instruments o r vocals with suf ficient dynam ics and untainted
The section “Technology ” from page 14 explains how th e Preferen ce
Mic Pre meets these requiremen ts.
Main Features
The Preference M ic Pre of fers preampli fication values of up to +72 dB
with lowest noise operation an d a high common mode rejecti on.
A VU meter with two mod es for average levels (VU) and peak levels
(PPM) displays the output levels .
A very stable phantom power su pply (48 V) is pr ovided to p ower con-
denser microphones.
The polarity of the microphone can be switc hed with the phase reverse
A high-pass filter protects agai nst low frequency in terferences.
Two LEDs are placed into t he VU window to concentrate al l displays in
one area.
The signal LED (SIG.) indica tes t hat a n inp ut sig nal is pr esent, the
overdrive LED (OVL) warns against poten tial overdrives.