The L & R bargraph meters show, by default, the signal levels at the Master Left and Right outputs.
If any Cue switch on the desk is pressed the meters display the level of the cued signal.
Split Switch
If the Split switch is depressed the meters will show a mono sum of the cued signal on the left meter, and a mono sum of the pre-
fader master outputs on the right meter. Note that the split button has no effect on the meter display until a cue button is pressed.
Aux Send/Return
This section allows the use of an external effects unit. NOTE: It can also be used as an alternative record output and an additonal
stereo input.
Send Outputs
The stereo pair of sockets feeds signals from the the Aux left & right buses. The level is controled via the level pot. The post-pot
signal can be monitored via its associated cue switch.
Return Inputs
The stereo pair of sockets is used to input a feed from an external effects unit. The signal can be monitored via its cue switch. The
signal is controlled via the on switch (note that the cue switch is before the on switch in the signal path). The level of the signal is
controlled by the level pot. The post-pot signal is assignable to the cross fader via the A/Master/B switch
A/Master/B Switch
This 3-position switch routes the return signal to one of three pairs of stereo buses. If the Master position is selected the signal is
routed diretly to the booth and master outputs. If the A or B position is selected then the signal is routed via the cross fader.
The high-pass filter is selected by depressing the hpf switch. This affects the master and the booth outputs.
This switch, when depressed, sums the stereo signal to a mono signal. This affects the master and the booth outputs.
The balance controls allows the left/right balance of a stereo signal to be adjusted.
The level of the master outputs is controlled via this pot.
Pressing this button routes the pre-level-control signal to the headphones and meters. A LED in the switch indicates when Cue is