Device Basics 17
Note: Your phone's home screens cycle through so that you can keep swiping in one direction
and make it back to the home screen. The small circles toward the bottom of the screen
let you know your current screen position.
Tip: Press to return to the main Home screen from any other screen.
Creating Shortcuts Learn how to add, move, or remove items from the Home screen.
Adding Items from the Applications Menu
1. Press to display the main Home screen.
2. Navigate to the desired Home page and tap to display your current applications.
3. Scroll through the list and locate your desired application.
4. Touch and hold the application icon. This creates an immediate shortcut of the selected
icon and closes the Applications tab.
5. While still holding the onscreen icon, position it on the current page. Once complete,
release the screen to lock the new shortcut into its new position on the current screen.