GX1256SPage 68
THANK YOU for buying STANDARD HORIZON (a division of Vertex
Standard) products! We are confident your new radio will serve your
needs for many years!
Please visit www.standardhorizon.com to register the QUEST Ma-
rine VHF. It should be noted that visiting the Web site from time to
time may be beneficial to you, as new products are released they will
appear on the STANDARD HORIZON Web site. Also a statement
regarding product support should be added to the manual.
Product Support Inquiries
If you have any questions or comments regarding the use of the
QUEST+, you can visit the STANDARD HORIZON Web site to send
an E-Mail or contact the Product Support team at (714) 827-7600 ext
6300 M-F 7:00-5:00PST.
In addition to the warranty, STANDARD HORIZON includes a life-
time “flat rate” program to provide service after the warranty period
has expired. If you wish to obtain the flat rate price for out-of-war-
ranty repair, you must include the information on the Owner’s Record
with the unit when you return it to your Dealer or to STANDARD
Lifetime Flat Rate Service Program: For the original Owner only, for
the lifetime of the unit, STANDARD HORIZON will repair the unit to
original specifications.
Note: The flat rate amount is payable by the Owner only if STAN-
DARD HORIZON or the STANDARD HORIZON Dealer determines
that a repair is needed. After the repair, a 90-day warranty will be in
effect from the date of return of the unit to the Owner.
This service program is not available for equipment which has failed
as a result of neglect, accident, breakage, misuse, improper installa-
tion or modification, or water damage (depending on the product).