Setting up for printing with OS/2 Warp 59
Chapter 7: Using the Printer with OS/2 WarpThis chapter contains specific information about using the printer with IBM
OS/2 Warp. It also shows you how to install the printer driver on your computer
so you can control the printer. By reading this chapter, you will learn:
❏How to set up for printing with IBM OS/2 Warp
❏How to prepare for printing
❏How to print a document
See the “readme. txt” file for important information that became available
after this documentation was printed.
Setting up for printing with OS/2 Warp
Before you can use the printer with OS/2 Warp, you must first perform the
following procedure to install the printer driver supplied on the 3.5” floppy disk
that comes with the printer.
❏Start up the OS/2 system.
❏Insert the floppy disk that comes with the printer into one of your
computer’s disk drives.
❏Open the floppy in icon view.
❏Double click on the OS2\ENG folder.
❏Double click on the STARDM.DR_ file.
❏Drag the printer driver whose name matches the name of your printer to the