SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE (Master - Senator - Comfort - Presi-
STIGA’s Service Programme should be followed to keep the machine in good condition in terms of reliability and operational safety, and from an en- vironmental perspective.
The contents of this programme can be found in the attached service log.
We recommend that an authorised workshop car- ries out every service. This guarantees that the work is carried out by trained personnel and with original spare parts.
The service log should be stamped at every serv- ice. A “fully stamped” service log is a valuable document that improves the machine’s second- hand value.
Unless otherwise stated, all service and mainte- nance should be performed when the machine is stationary and with the engine switched off.
Always apply the parking brake to pre- vent the machine from rolling.
To prevent starting the engine involun- tarily, always release the spark plug lead from the spark plug and earth it. Remove the minus lead from the bat- tery.
To reduce the risk of fire, keep the en- gine, silencer/catalytic converter, bat- tery and fuel tank, free from grass, leaves and oil.
To reduce the risk of fire, regularly check the machine for oil and/or fuel leakage.
When washing the machine with water under high pressure, do not point the jet directly at the trans- mission.
Do not point the jet at the engine. Use a brush or compressed air to clean it.
Change the engine oil for the first time after 5 hours of operation, and then after every 50 hours of operation or once per season.
Change the oil more often, every 25 hours of oper- ation or at least once per season, if the engine has to operate under very demanding conditions or if the ambient temperature is high.
Change the oil when the engine is warm. Use a good grade of oil (service grade SF, SG or SH).
The engine oil may be very hot if it is drained off directly after switching off the engine. For this reason allow the en- gine to cool for a few minutes before draining the oil.
Unscrew the oil drain plug (fig. 10). It is located on the left side of the engine (machine seen from rear).
Let the oil run out into a collection vessel. Then take the oil to a recycling station. Avoid spilling oil on the
Screw tight the oil drain plug.
Take out the oil dipstick and fill up with new oil to the “FULL” mark.
Oil capacity: Master – 1.1 litre
Senator. Comfort, President – 1.4 litre
Oil type, summertime (> 4° C): SAE
Oil type, winter (< 4° C): SAE
(if this oil is not available, use SAE
Do not use any additives with the oil.
Do not overfill. This can result in the engine over- heating.
Change the engine oil for the first time after 20 hours of operation (or during the first month), and then after every 100 hours of operation or every 6 months.
Change the oil when the engine is warm. Use a good grade of oil (service grade SF, SG or SH).