MC2 Power Systems User's Guide Chapter 8: Preventative Maintenance
Chapter 8: Preventative Maintenance Important note:
Please put the MC² Power System on a quarterly preventative maintenance schedule
to clean air intake filter(s). Failure to do so will void warranty.
Cleaning Procedures
When cleaning the MC² Power System, disconnect AC power source and separate
electronic enclosure and battery enclosure. Refer to “Charger Timed-out Reset
Procedure” for separation instructions. Use a damp (slightly wet), mildly soapy cloth to
clean the exterior of the power system. The following is a listing of approved cleaners
that are effective for cleaning the exterior of the power system:
• Quaternary ammonium chloride compounds (such as AirX 109®)
• Bleach – household strength (1:10 minimum dilution strength)
• Ethyl or Isopropyl alcohol – 70%
• Hydrogen Peroxide
• Phenolic Disinfectants (such as Lysol®)
• WexCide®
• Ovation®
• Fantastic®
• Formula 409®
• 1.6% Aqueous ammonia
• “Green Soap” USP (United States Pharmacopoeia)
Cleaning the Filter Kit
The following instructions are recommended for cleaning the filter on the power system.
The filter kit is made up of three parts: finger guard, filter media, and retainer:
Finger Guard
Filter Media
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November 2006 33