Check that the Flue or Chimney is structurally sound. In particular, it should not be possible for products of combustion to come into contact with combustible materials in the structure of the building.
Check the flue draught. This should be done with all windows and doors closed and any extraction fans in adjoining rooms running at maximum speed. (See next section for additional ventilation requirements)
Note: A guide containing general information on Chimneys and Flues is obtainable from: - The British Flue & Chimney Manufacturers’ Association,
2 Waltham Court
Milley Lane
Hare Hatch
Bucks RG10 8TH
Tel :- 01189 403416 e-mail :- info@feta.co.uk
Additional ventilation will be required to comply with the requirements of the Building Regulations. This should be provided using a permanently open vent, of the size listed, which is positioned so that it is not liable to be blocked, both inside and outside the building.
Area: Stockton 8 Integral Boiler- 1650mm2 (16.5cm2) Extractor fans or cooker hoods should not be placed in the same room or space as the Stockton stove.
If any of these checks reveal problems do not proceed with the fitting of the stove until they have been rectified.