36 Multitasking Guide May 2007
RMS Record Management System. A simple record-oriented database that enables a
MIDlet to persistently store information and retrieve it later. MIDlets can also
use the RMS to share data.
SMS Short Message Service. A protocol allowing transmission of short text-based
messages over a wireless network.
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol. An XML-based protocol that allows objects of
any type to communicate in a distributed environment, it is most commonly
used to develop web services.
SSL Secure Sockets Layer. A protocol for transmitting data over the Internet using
encryption and authentication, including the use of digital certificates and both
public and private keys.
Sun Java Device Test
Suite A set of Java programming language tests developed specifically for the
wireless marketplace, providing targeted, standardized testing for CLDC and
MIDP on small and handheld devices.
SVM Single Virtual Machine. A mode of the Java Wireless Client software, it can run
only one MIDlet at a time.
task At the platform level, each separate application that runs within a single Java
virtual machine is called a task. The API used to instantiate each task is a
stripped-down version of the Isolate API defined in JSR 121. See the CLDC
HotSpot Implementation Architecture Guide for more information.
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. A fundamental Internet
protocol that provides for reliable delivery of streams of data from one host to
WAE Wireless Application Environment. It provides an application framework for
small devices, by leveraging other technologies such as WAP, WTP, and WSP.
WAP Wireless Application Protocol. A protocol for transmitting data between a
server and a client (such as a cell phone) over a wireless network. WAP in the
wireless world is analogous to HTTP in the World Wide Web.
WMA Wireless Messaging API. A set of classes for sending and receiving Short
Message Service messages.
(x) button The button the user presses to end a task. On a real device this is the End key.
On Windows it is the End key and sometimes the power key on the phone