Sun FastEthernet PCI Adapter Product Note 5
7. At the command line, use the grep command to search the /etc/path_to_inst
filefor hme devices.
In the example above, the network@1,1 instance is the on-board FastEthernet
device, the old SUNW,hme@2,1 instance is for the previous Sun FastEthernet PCI
adapter,and the new SUNW,hme@0,1 instance is for the SunSwift PCI adapter.
Youwill need to know the instance number for the SunSwift PCI adapter. In the
above example, the instance number for the SunSwift PCI adapter is 2, which is
shown in bold.
8. Using the instance number found in Step 7, rename the
/etc/hostname.hme<num> filepreviously used by the Sun FastEthernet PCI
adapter to reflectthe new instance number.
For example, if the previous file had an *.hme1 extension, and the new instance
number is 2, you would type:
9. Halt and reboot your system.
Note – Refer to the SunSwift PCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide for more
information about configuring the driver software.
#grep hme /etc/path_to_inst
"/pci@1f,4000/network@1,1" 0 "hme" (On-boardhme interface)
"/pci@1f,4000/SUNW,hme@2,1" 1 "hme" (Sun FastEthernet PCIhme interface)
"/pci@1f,4000/pci@2/SUNW,hme@0,1" 2 "hme" (SunSwift PCIhme interface)
# mv /etc/hostname.hme1 /etc/hostname.hme2
#init 6