To Use yoUr dryer
With the control setting switch in the “OFF” position, plug th e Dryer into a standard
110-125-volt AC outlet. Select speed (airflow) setting that is most a ppropriate
to your needs and that will deliver the best results.
The control setting switch marked “OFF,” “LOW,” “HIGH” controls the airflow speed of
your Hair Dryer. Press up on the switch until it clicks into position “LOW” for LOW speed
or “HIGH” for HIGH speed.
When finished using your Dryer, move the control switch to the “OFF” position and
unplug the cord from the outlet.
addiTional informaTion
cool shot button (Refer to Diagram)
When drying hair use a higher heat setting and switc h to a lower heat setting when drying
is nearly complete. To finish, press the Cool Shot button. This will deactivate all hea t flow
from the Dryer and blow cool air to lock in your hairstyle without c ausing over drying or
damage to your hair.
concentRatoR attachMent
Your Dryer comes equipped with an optional air concentrator at tachment. Attach the
concentrator to the nozzle of your Dryer whe n you require extra airflow in certain area s.
Use to tighten a curl or wave or to loosen curly hair.
Use your SUNbeAm® Hospitality Hair Dr yer with care. Directing a high volume of heat
continuously to one area can overheat hair and scalp. Wh en using a HIGH heat setting,
hold the blower opening a few inches away from the hair, drying one section at a time.
Work layers of hair in quick strokes. Keep the dryer in motion until drying and st yling
are complete.