Attaching the BeatersBe sure the Mix-Finder®dial is in the
ZERO position and unplug electric cord
from the electrical outlet.
Lift mixer head up and back to pull it
out of the way of the bowl, while
holding in an upright position.
NOTE: It is important that the beaters go
into the correct sockets. Otherwise the
mixer will not give you the proper
mixing action. Do not risk ruining a
recipe or damaging your mixer. Read
the following instructions carefully.
One of the beaters is conical in shape
and has a nylon button on the bottom.
It goes into the socket on the side of
the mixer nearest the side of the bowl.
The other beater is square-shaped and
goes into the socket nearest the center
of the bowl. See beater symbols located
on the front of the mixer head.
Insert the beaters, one at a time,
using a combination pressing and
twisting motion, until the beaters
snap into position.
If a beater should not properly snap
into place, pull it out of the socket
and rotate it one quarter turn.
Reinsert the beater into the socket
until it snaps into position.
Attaching the Dough HooksSet the Mix-Finder®dial in the OFF
position and unplug the electric cord
from the electrical outlet.
Lift mixer head up and back to tilt it out
of the way of the bowl, while holding in
an upright position.
NOTE: The dough hooks must go into
the correct sockets. The mixer will
operate with the dough hooks in the
wrong position. However, you will not
get proper kneading action and you
could risk ruining a recipe or damaging
your mixer. Read the following
instructions carefully.
Side of
Beater Square