Sunbeam PB7950 manual Recipes - Light Snacks, Bacon and Cheese Quiche, ½ cup grated tasty cheese

Models: PB7950

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Recipes – Light Snacks

Sweet potato and rocket frittata Serves 8

1 small sweet potato

80g baby rocket leaves

200g fetta cheese, crumbled 250ml thickened cream 10 eggs
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
½ cup grated tasty cheese

1.Preheat oven to 200°C. Grease and line base of a 19cm square shallow cake tin.

2.Peel the sweet potato and slice thinly.

3.Place a layer of sweet potato then rocket then fetta into the cake tin and then repeat layers again. Reserve a few sweet potato slices if possible for the top.

4.Combine the eggs, cream, salt and pepper in blender and blend on HIGH until smooth. Pour egg mixture into the cake tin and top with the grated cheese.

5.Place frittata into oven and cook for about 30-35 minutes or until cooked through. If the frittata starts to brown too much before the inside is completely cooked lay a piece of foil over the top, this will stop excessive browning.

Bacon and Cheese Quiche

1 large sheet ready made frozen shortcrust pastry

6 bacon rashers, rind removed, roughly chopped
1 small onion, chopped finely 1½ cups grated tasty cheese 4 eggs
1 cup milk

½cup cream

½cup self raising flour pepper to taste

1.Preheat oven to 180°C. Line quiche dish with pastry and trim edges. Prick pastry all over with a fork.

2.Cook bacon in a frying pan until tender, remove from pan and drain on absorbent paper; cool.

3.In a large bowl combine the bacon, onion and cheese.

4.Place all the remaining ingredients into the blender jug.

5.Press the ‘MIX’ button.

6.Place the bacon mixture into the prepared quiche dish and pour the egg mixture over the top.

7.Bake in oven for about 50 minutes or until cooked. Allow quiche to stand for 10 minutes before cutting.


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Sunbeam PB7950 manual Recipes - Light Snacks, Bacon and Cheese Quiche, Sweet potato and rocket frittata Serves