Using your Aroma Coffee™ 12 (contined)
Anti-drip valve
However if you are removing the carafe during the brewing cycle it must be returned within 20 seconds as the brewing cycle still continues.
Thermostatically controlled non-stick warming plate
Once the brewing cycle is completed the warming plate will automatically heat to maintain the coffee at the ideal serving temperature as long as the coffee maker is left on.
For optimum coffee flavour we recommend that the coffee is consumed within 20 minutes. Extended standing time may result in the coffee tasting bitter.
Permanent mesh filter
Your coffee maker comes with a permanent mesh filter. This eliminates the need for costly paper filters. The filter is removable for easy cleaning.
If you are brewing continuous carafes of coffee you will need to remove the permanent mesh filter, rinse it in water, then add more ground coffee. Caution must be taken when removing the permanent mesh filter as the plastic handle and the ground coffee remains hot for a period of time after the brewing cycle has completed.
Permanent mesh filter
Filter holder
Paper filters
Paper filters may be used with your coffee maker. We recommend cone shaped paper filters – standard #4 size. The paper filter can either be placed directly into the permanent mesh filter or straight into the filter holder without the mesh filter.