T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g / M a i n t e n a n c e
E n g l i s h | 11 |
Problem |
| Solution |
Wheelchair pulls to one side. | 1. | Make sure wheel turns easily (bearings, axle). |
| 2. | Make sure both casters are making proper |
| contact with the ground. |
Casters begin to wobble. | 1. | Make sure all bolts are secure; tighten if |
| necessary (see the page on torque). |
| 2. | Make sure both casters are making proper |
| contact with the ground. |
1. | Chair is still new, i.e., the seat or backrest | |
into position in the seat saddle. |
| upholstery is still very stiff. This will improve |
| with continued use. |
Wheelchair is difficult to fold up. | 1. | Screws of the |
Wheelchiar squeaks and rattles. | 1. | Make sure bolts are secure; tighten if |
| necessary (see the page on torque). |
| 2. | Apply small amount of lubrication to spots |
| where moveable parts come in contact with |
| one another. |
Wheelchair begins to wobble. | 1. | Check to see if rear wheels are adjusted |
| differently. |
•Check all of the tires for wear or damage.
•Check the brakes approximately every 4 weeks to make sure that they are working properly and easy to use.
•All of the joints that are critical to safe using your wheelchair safely are
•Please use only mild household cleansers when your wheelchair is dirty. Use only soap and water when cleaning the seat upholstery.
•If your wheelchair should ever get wet, please dry it after use.
Depending on the frequency and type of use, we recommend taking your wheelchair to your authorized dealer every 6 months to have it inspected by trained personnel.
CAUTION– Sand and sea water (or salt in the winter) can damage the bearings of the front and rear wheels. Clean the wheelchair thoroughly after exposure.
931150 Rev. A