H a n d l i n g 

E n g l i s h | 5 |
Do not attempt to close the wheelchair frame by pushing the back canes towards each other! Damage to the folding mechanism and frame may result.
Step 1:
Remove any cushions or other obstructions (i.e. backrest supports, backpacks, etc.) that would interfere with the folding mechanism
Step 2:
If footrests will remain on chair, make sure the
Step 3:
•Place your hands underneath the seat upholstery at the front and rear edge of the seat and sharply lift upward so that the frame starts to close.
•Standing to the side of the chair, grasp the outer side of the opposite armrest and pull the frame towards you so that both armrest pads and back canes almost touch each other.
•Be careful to keep fingers and hands clear of folding mechanism and moving parts during folding process to avoid injuries.
Do not attempt to open the wheelchair frame by pulling the back canes apart from each other! Damage to the folding mechanism and frame may reuslt.
Step 1:
Stand either directly in front of chair (facing the backrest) or to the side.
Step 2:
Place the palms of your hands on top of the seat rail (where the seat upholstery attaches) and push down and out on the seat rail.
Be careful to keep fingers away from armrest panels and from beneath the seat rail tubing to avoid injuries.
Step 3:
Make sure the seat rail is pushed down all the way so that it fits inside the seat support.
Figure 1
Figure 2 – Escort folded w/optional 1/2 folding backrest
Figure 3
931150 Rev. A